Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Dinner Time

This is what the kids and I made for their dinner last night:

Stuffed shells... stuffed with a turkey salad and topped with just a little shredded cheese. Seemed like something the kids would like. They enjoyed putting it together.

But this is what they actually ate for dinner:

They took a couple of bites of the stuffed shells and then refused to have any more. They ended up having cereal instead.
Aaron and I ate the stuffed shells and we thought they were pretty good. Next time I'll make a more grown-up version with a bechemel sauce instead of the shredded cheese and Aaron I will have it for dinner without the kids!


Tera said...

Oh man, cooking for kids is so not fun. When JP is out of town or not home for dinner because of school, I don't even bother to cook a normal meal. Why bother? They'd rather have pb&j, so if I did cook, it'd be a waste of time. I really only cook for my hubby and myself anyway!

Amy said...

Found your new address!

Druciana said...

That sounds like how my house used to be. I got tired of it and told the kids they have to eat what I made. We get lots of fits, but I just remind them that they will be throwing up in the morning, and they can have a slice of bread after they have had at least one bite of EVERYTHING I made. It seems to work in my house.

The shells look really yummy btw!