Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Goodnight Moon

I'm often amazed by my kids' vivid imaginations. Tonight as we drove home, I pointed out to the kids that the moon was very large as it was rising. Then I listened as their imaginations took over.

They held a deep discussion about the moon. Where does he live? (In a moon house.) Who lives there with him? (His mom and his kids and his little girl.) What is his name? (Blah Blah Wow Wow.) What is his mom's name? (Clo-ney. She is also a moon.) What are his kid's named? (Zachary and Joiny are his boys. Clomey and Wonder are his girls.)

Then they decided that is was time for Mr. Moon to head back to his moon house and get to bed. To help him out, they sang him a good night song. After a bit of discussion, they decided that Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam was not a good night song because it was about sun. They decided to sing Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star because it was about stars and moons like stars. Then they shouted "Good night, Mr. Moon!" and were quite convinced that he closed his eyes and went to sleep. They were very proud of themselves for singing him to sleep.

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