Monday, April 19, 2010

I Won, I Won!!

I'll post about our vacation soon. But first...

You probably don't remember it, but back in February I wrote a post about Kelly's Cake-Off, where you could visit a website to support a good cause (ovarian cancer research) and also be entered for a chance to win a fancy new Induction Range from Electrolux.

So I went out and entered to win that new stove. And in exchange for writing the post to advertise the contest, I got another entry to win the stove. Then I proceeded to forget all about it.

Imagine my shock when I learned on Friday that I actually won the freaking stove!! I still can't believe it. I can't imagine that I would ever buy a $3,500 stove for myself. I am incredibly excited and can't wait to find out when I actually get the stove. (I'm still in the process of filling out paperwork with the prize fulfillment center.)

I can't wait to get rid of my old stove... it's slow. And it's hard to clean. And it has very unpredictable results when baking. Woo-hoo!! I've been doing a happy dance all weekend!


Melissa said...

I would say that calls for some SERIOUS happy dancing! So very cool. Can't wait for pics of the new stove - enjoy!

Tera said...

I seriously need to rub your head so that some of your good luck will rub off on me. I swear!

Heidi said...

totally jealous!!! and i actually do remember that post!

Cara said...

Congratulations! Who doesn't like to win something once in a while?! Heck, I'd be happy to win $10 or some chocolate, but a new range? That's fantastic. It couldn't have happened to a nicer person. I'm so happy for you, Tara.