Thursday, August 27, 2009

My Garden

It's a sad little garden. It started off with so much love and enthusiasm. The kids and I carefully prepared the ground and planted the seeds. Then the weeds flourished and the plants did not. We were disappointed that nothing grew. Finally, two little squash plants managed to survive. But even then we thought that we would get nothing from them because they were struggling so.

Then one day... a little blossom appeared on the squash plant. Then another and another. Eventually, two tiny squashes began to grow. We watched them anxiously. We checked on them every day. Did they have enough water? Did they have too much water? Were they getting the right amount of warmth and sunlight?

And then, the little squashes finally grew large enough to pick! What a happy day when we proudly brought the produce from our own little garden inside to cook for dinner. Sure, I had to go to the market and buy a few more squashes to go with ours in order to have enough to go around. But I'm sure I could pick out the ones that grew in our garden. They were the best ones of all!


Tera said...

Oh I agree! Home grown is the best. Maybe next year you'll get a better sqash plant.

Druciana said...

That is so exciting! Maybe I should try my hand at gardening next year...

Melissa said...

Nice! We have no garden, feeling sad as I see everyone's else produce... enjoy!