Thursday, October 8, 2009

Piglet Flu

I learned that the nasty cold + stomach bug that my family had last week is going around. Since it's related to Swine Flu, but milder, they're calling it the Piglet Flu. Tee-hee, made me laugh.

I also had a revelation about why it's called Swine/Piglet Flu... because after your family has gone through a bout with this flu, your house looks like a pig pen! Hopefully now that everyone has recovered I can whip things back into shape this weekend. But I'm not making any promises...


Tera said...

Hopefully since you have had the piglet flu you won't get the sow flu now!

Druciana said...

I think we must be recovering from the same thing. My house hasn't looked this bad in a long time, and we have been sick for a while now.

Jewel Allen said...

Cute pig pic. The snout even moves! :-)

Glad things are settling down at your place. No fun being sick.

And I'm also curious about Aaron's present for you...