Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Not a fun couple of days at our house! Preston started throwing up Friday night and the poor kid is still throwing up this morning. Brekken started throwing up on Sunday, but seems to be over it now. Knock on wood, Aaron, Haley & Tara have not come down with whatever this is.

Luckily, Preston doesn't seem to be much bothered by his illness. Most of the time he doesn't act particularly sick - he'll be running around playing, then stop to throw up, then go back to playing. I don't know where he's getting all that energy on a diet of plain toast, applesauce, boiled rice, and ginger ale (most of which comes back up anyway!).

Here's hoping he gets over this soon and no one else comes down with it - this could put a real crimp in our plans to drive to Idaho on Friday!

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